WAS there a time before #Trump?

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!
I honestly have trouble remembering the news and life before Trump. And it's only been 9 months! Imagine how things will feel after 4 years of this shit.

By the way: drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Hey #Republicans! What's it gonna take?!?

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!
Seriously--my thought back when we invaded Iraq was that we should just GIVE Saddam Hussein a few billion dollars and tell him to step down. I think he would have gone for it. Saddam never seemed like a true madman and I'm sure, deep down, the Republicans in Congress are at least as reasonable as Saddam Hussein. ;)

By the way: drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Barbie and Baxter wonder why no one believes women...

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!
That's the real shame--we're so far from our own ideal that we've forgotten all about that ideal. Rape should be an unthinkable crime, but for men who commit it and other crimes approaching it, we are too quick to shy away from the horror of it.  We need to be brave enough to believe the woman who claims she is a victim of it. It's like how everyone wants to call Hitler a horrible monster when really he wasn't a monster at all but just a really horrible human being. That's a much more depressing thing to face. We want to deny it because the truth really is really pretty horrible.

By the way: drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Baxter the Cat is Excited About #SexualPredators (fixed)

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!

Who could be next?

FYI, this is a fixed version of the old post where I put the previous week's date on this week's comic. See why I ask for some financial help? Even the simple stuff takes done wrong because "real" life steals my focus.

By the way: drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

After #LasVegas, Barbie has a solution for #America & #guns.

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!
Nothing else to say after that except for this:

Hey, jerkweed! Drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!