Now THIS is how to deal! (According to Billy, Barbie, & Baxter Ballpoint!)

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!
I actually thought about listening to the news from NPR this morning but decided I was just absolutely sick of hearing Trump's voice.  This is worse than it was under George W. or his pop.

OH, and one more thing: Drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Baxter the Cat is DONE with #Trump news!! Are you with her?

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!
Wow, this is so autobiographical, it's not even funny.  Well, hopefully it's a little funny.

SUP! Drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

So, #MissionAccomplished? Barbie knows the truth!!

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!
Definitely venting through my characters this week, folks!

Yo! Drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Billy realizes Trump actually blamed Putin for something--kinda...

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!
This Trump shit is getting pretty old.  Shame the Republicans are so spineless and don't seem to care about the logical fiber of this country fraying at the edges.

SUP! Drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!