Billy knows EXACTLY what #Kavanaugh should have said to make this all go away!

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Does Kav not remember what Arnold did when he was running for California governor and got accused of groping several women? HE APOLOGIZED, copped to it, said he was wrong for doing it and everyone forgave him... aaaand went on to do plenty more of it, but hey, sometimes denying it outright is a pretty good indicator of guilt.  Like that time your friends were going to out your first middle school crush and all you could think to do was scream "IT'S NOT TRUE!!!"

It's like that, only with sexual assault guilt.  You can trust my opinion, I'm an untrained amateur psychologist.

HEY YOU: drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Oh, crap, Barbie's not sure how to deal with ANOTHER white dude getting accused of #SexualAssault...

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Yeah, it's pretty fricken obvious Kav is the wrong guy for the job but then, we knew that the minute TRUMP picked him.

HEY! Drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Billy and Barbie know the main takeaway from last week. Well, the main 2 takeaways, really!

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!

Oh, man, I am so tired of this...

Soooo, drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

The Most Disturbing Thing of All Re: @POTUS

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Here's hoping that the MainStream Media catch on to this little fact and STOP SAYING HIS NAME every five seconds. Or even better, they might STOP REPORTING ON EVERY DUMB-ASS THING HE SAYS. It's not ALL news, you morons! Who's the bigger moron? The moron or the morons who think everything he says is news?

Yo, drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!