From 2006: Liars on TV (it's not new)

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It's truly sad how eternal lying politicians are (and how badly it's gotten lately--I mean, I thought we had it bad in 2006!)

Barbie knows what @realDonaldTrump has you?

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How many FAILS are we going to give this guy before we start calling a spade a spade? I say none from here.  Everyone started calling George W. Bush a lame duck president within 9 months of taking office. I'd say it's definitely time for Donald "The Failure" Trump to assume the mantle of Sir Duck of Lame.

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From 2006: The State of the Union hasn't changed!

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Seems like Trump wasn't the first white guy to con Christians.  :/

This is the first of a series of strips I wrote in reaction to George W. Bush's 2006 State of the Union Address.  There was so much to say, half way through his second term.  Still don't know how America elected him the second time.  Hopefully, we'll be smarter with Trump and not give him a second term (or even a full first term!).

Barbie knows just how to deal with #GlobalWarming

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Yeah, it's getting pretty desperate-seeming here in thepete cave.  Putting my main character on a flaming Earth should tell you how I feel things are going right now.

Good luck to us all.

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From 2006: Sometimes Billy really hates TV

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C'mon--you know you've thought about putting a hand-ax through your TV before!  ADMIT IT! (In the Trump era, we all do on a regular basis!)

Hey, download the first digital BALLPOINT ADVENTURES mini-comic right now!  For FREE! Just go here to get the 12-panel PDF:!  Feel free to let me know what you think of it by commenting below or hit me up on Twitter (@thepete)!

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Barbie calls out @SteveKingIA for his #WhiteSupremacist words

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Sorry, no actual joke this week. I just couldn't find anything funny about Congressman Steve King's words.

Hey, download the first digital BALLPOINT ADVENTURES mini-comic right now!  For FREE! Just go here to get the 12-panel PDF:!  Feel free to let me know what you think of it by commenting below or hit me up on Twitter (@thepete)!

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From 2006: Billy discovers something about humanity (yuck!)

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This is definitely semi-autobiographical. ;)

Hey, download the first digital BALLPOINT ADVENTURES mini-comic right now!  For FREE! Just go here to get the 12-panel PDF:!  Feel free to let me know what you think of it by commenting below or hit me up on Twitter (@thepete)!

ALSO: I have a Patreon you can support! AND: a long form comic for just $5! Go buy it! Thanks!

Barbie knows this doesn't have to continue...

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That's the tragedy of all of this. If POTUS wanted to stop being a jackass he could.  Every day he chooses to be obnoxious, paranoid, cowardly, and unAmerican.

Hey, download the first digital BALLPOINT ADVENTURES mini-comic right now!  For FREE! Just go here to get the 12-panel PDF:!  Feel free to let me know what you think of it by commenting below or hit me up on Twitter (@thepete)!

ALSO: I have a Patreon you can support! AND: a long form comic for just $5! Go buy it! Thanks!

From 2006: Barbie Ballpoint wants you to talk to the hand!

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Not sure what I was going for with this one, to be honest.  As much funnier people than I have said: they can't all be gems, folks!!

Hey, download the first digital BALLPOINT ADVENTURES mini-comic right now!  For FREE! Just go here to get the 12-panel PDF:!  Feel free to let me know what you think of it by commenting below or hit me up on Twitter (@thepete)!

ALSO: I have a Patreon you can support! AND: a long form comic for just $5! Go buy it! Thanks!