From 2006: Billy decides to live out a fantasy...

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support: buy: Inkstreme Ballpoint Adventures

Sometimes all you can do is pretend.  Even though it's real, it still makes you feel better.

Oh hey, if you like what I do with this comic or anything else online, support me on Patreon (for just a buck-a-month if you want!) or buy my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES, or just buy me a coffee!  Every bit helps!

Billy wonders just why he doesn't trust #Trump

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support: buy: Inkstreme Ballpoint Adventures

It's the last strip of 2016! Naturally, I had to go out with a dig at Trump.  I mean, the layers of untrustworthiness are many and thick and obvious.  However, all I need to know is that I disagree with what this man says.  I mean, in some ways, he doesn't even say anything when he says things.  I am going to have a hard time over the next 4 years.  Let's hope impeachment proceedings begin on January 21, 2017.

Oh, and hey, if you like what I do with this comic or anything else online, support me on Patreon (for just a buck-a-month if you want!) or buy my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES, or just buy me a coffee!  Every bit helps!

From 2006: Billy wonders about our leaders but Barbie just wonders.

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!
support: buy: Inkstreme Ballpoint Adventures

Written and drawn over ten years ago, this comic is depressingly prescient.  It's obvious to me that our leaders have probably never had our best interests in mind.  Maybe they thought they did/think they do, but the reality is that, if you never take a step outside of your own perspective (imagine life in someone else's shoes), you can't possibly have someone else's interests at heart.  And rich white guys are notoriously bad at imagining themselves in other people's shoes.  Just think about how long slavery went on.  :/

The question now is: what do we do about our leaders not actually having our interests at heart?

If you like what I do with this comic or anything else online, support me on Patreon (for just a buck-a-month if you want!) or buy my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES, or just buy me a coffee!  Every bit helps!

Billy is down about the world but knows where to find HOPE!

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!
support: buy: Inkstreme Ballpoint Adventures

This MAY be a bit more autobiographical than usual... and the good news is, the new STAR WARS movie is pretty good. Don't forget to download the first BALLPOINT ADVENTURES mini-comic!!  It's a 6.8MB PDF that looks great in iBooks or Adobe Acrobat for mobile devices!!  Download it now and let me know what you think!

Oh, and hey, if you like what I do with this comic or anything else online, support me on Patreon (for just a buck-a-month if you want!) or buy my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES, or just buy me a coffee!  Every bit helps!

Billy is Psyched About #RussianHackers!

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!
support: buy: Inkstreme Ballpoint Adventures

There is more to this comic! Download the PDFed mini-comic version of this week's new comic by going to!  You will end up at a PDF on  Just FYI.  This PDF is an experiment.  Read it like you would a book. Flip through each comic panel like it's a page in an e-book.  Since it's a PDF, it means you can share it easily with friends.  Just email it to 'em or send them the link and they can go download it, too!  If you think the format is cool, let me know. I may do this again.

ANYWAY, so about this strip, maybe you've heard, but the CIA has determined that Russian hackers helped...