Billy knows it's THAT time of the year again! (And it's probably not what you think!)

click here for the full comic!
This douchebag is STILL president. Come on, 2019!!

Turns out making comics is hard--Throw me a buck on Patreon! Or buy me a coffee!

Barbie still wants her answers and finally, she gets one!

click here for the full comic!
Yep, that's what I'm saying--because people couldn't deal with reality, we dreamed up religions. Like gods. We can face reality together and together we'll can deal with it. Or, we can look for ways to unite together and make the world better for all of us instead of tricking each other to make it MUCH better for just some of us. I'm lookin' at you 1%ers!!

Turns out making comics is hard--Throw me a buck on Patreon! Or buy me a coffee!

Yes, this comic is about #Republicans. Well, the punchilne is.

click here for the full comic!
The latest episode in "That Entitled Woman Adventures"! Is this the final episode? Tune in next week to find out!

In the meantime, the punchline refers to Republicans or anyone who wants it "their way." The universe does not give a shit about your way. So, treat everyone with respect and politeness and maybe they will help you get it done your way. I don't care if sometimes raising a big stink gets you to "your way" faster. Do you want to shit on people to get "your way"? Just be nice whether it gets you what you want or not.

Thank you for reading.

Turns out making comics is hard--Throw me a buck on Patreon! Or buy me a coffee!

Barbie begins to recognize how unfair life is to her.

click here for the full comic!

Can you tell I've worked in retail? This person is horrible.  I mean, not "Hitler" horrible, but compared to where she should be?  Chill out, lady!

Turns out making comics is hard--throw me a buck on Patreon! Or buy me a coffee!

Billy and Barbie explore the United State of Futility

click here for the full comic!

I'm often the canary in the coal mine shaft, so this week's Ballpoint may not resonate with you. That said, I've been noticing more and more truly pointless arguments from all kinds of people on all sides of politics and non-politics. Even arguments that seem important often aren't because we've been tricked into distraction. There are times when I listen to people complain and I just don't understand what they are looking for. Like the expectations they've formed in their minds don't match anything fair to this reality. I feel like many of us are swirling down the drain of futility in this country and on this planet.

In other news, if you feel like throwing me a buck or two on patreon, I just might keep drawing this comic.  If not, I may just stop. Don't want to support me monthly? Then just let me know you care by buying me a coffee.

Good old @realDonaldTrump gets the treatment he deserves (and it's a laugh!)

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!

Just once I wish we could see this happen in a press conference. I mean, the UN was great, but the    press really needs to stop treating this guy like a real leader.

In other news:
RIP Stan Lee. He literally taught me how powerful people should behave.

With great power comes great responsibility.

That was the lesson he taught readers in Spider-Man comics. Now, if only the idiots in Washington DC could learn the same lesson.

When you don't know who to lash out at, do what Billy and Barbie do!

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!

What a mess. Who should we hate the most? The catalyst. Especially the catalyst who knows he is a catalyst. President Baking Soda knows vinegar is just waiting out there for a purpose.  Yep, Baking Soda has a Twitter account.

Hey there! So, drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Billy and Barbie are sad about Khashoggi, but for more than you think.

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This strip was hard to do because there was so much more I want to say about this. This comic started out as an ultra-violent reaction to the things I saw that were wrong in the world. I thought violence would be a fun/funny way to react to things that you would not normally react to violence with. Then the world met my violence and surpassed it.

 Dude. Khushoggi was apparently dismembered while still alive. As the comic says, we've been heading in this direction for a long time, which is why I have let the violence fall away from the comic over the past few years. Violence should not be the answer to everything that we, as a species use it for. Anger is the easiest of emotions to give into when challenged. But just because it's easy doesn't mean we should just roll with it. We are better than this. 

We just need to remember who we are as a species. We are humans and we are capable of untold horror but we're also capable of untold beauty.

Let's try to focus on that more, huh?

And by the way: Drawing comics for free every week (off and on since 1998!) is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Billy and Barbie are about to tell YOU why the media LOVES/HATES @realDonaldTrump

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!

I know I've covered this before but seriously! The only glimmer of hope is that Fox News has stopped live coverage of Trump's Nazi-style rallies due to low ratings. Hopefully this will continue, but I know better than to hope too much.

Hey, thanks for reading!! Please let me know what you think! Come @ me, bro!

SUP! So, drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Liars, Liars, Everywhere--so many, Billy and Barbie have plenty to spare :(

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!
It's the trifecta! No, not that the Republicans control all three branches of government--it's that they've compromised all three branches of government by putting known, demonstrable liars in prominent positions making the US government pretty much entirely untrustworthy. Before now, we couldn't trust them, but now it's just out in the open. This is what many of us have been seeing coming but we just get ignored because no one wants to believe the worst could ever happen again. Well, folks, if it happened before, it can happen again. And it is. Right here in America. Good luck to We, The People. I know we can survive, but it won't be without us trying.

Speaking of trying, I'm trying to change the world by drawing comics for free every week! Turns out it is actually kinda hard work! Throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

What's so unreasonable about #Kavanaugh, anyway? Oh we know...

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!

I really really really hope the Republicans in the Senate have at least enough decency to not confirm a guy who has literally embarrassed himself in front of the world.

Hey, so drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Billy knows EXACTLY what #Kavanaugh should have said to make this all go away!

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!

Does Kav not remember what Arnold did when he was running for California governor and got accused of groping several women? HE APOLOGIZED, copped to it, said he was wrong for doing it and everyone forgave him... aaaand went on to do plenty more of it, but hey, sometimes denying it outright is a pretty good indicator of guilt.  Like that time your friends were going to out your first middle school crush and all you could think to do was scream "IT'S NOT TRUE!!!"

It's like that, only with sexual assault guilt.  You can trust my opinion, I'm an untrained amateur psychologist.

HEY YOU: drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Oh, crap, Barbie's not sure how to deal with ANOTHER white dude getting accused of #SexualAssault...

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!

Yeah, it's pretty fricken obvious Kav is the wrong guy for the job but then, we knew that the minute TRUMP picked him.

HEY! Drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Billy and Barbie know the main takeaway from last week. Well, the main 2 takeaways, really!

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!

Oh, man, I am so tired of this...

Soooo, drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

The Most Disturbing Thing of All Re: @POTUS

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Here's hoping that the MainStream Media catch on to this little fact and STOP SAYING HIS NAME every five seconds. Or even better, they might STOP REPORTING ON EVERY DUMB-ASS THING HE SAYS. It's not ALL news, you morons! Who's the bigger moron? The moron or the morons who think everything he says is news?

Yo, drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Billy tells Barbie: No, That's Not the Sky Falling...

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I want to believe the letters of Trump's name will keep falling!! The catch is, I'm just too cynical!  This asshole has been getting away with all kinds of horrible things for decades.  I hope this will end soon.  This guy really needs to go to jail for the stuff he's done.  I just hope all the details come out.

If you haven't noticed: drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Every Wonder Why Some People Insist on Speakerphone Calls in Public? Billy finds out why!

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!

Sadly, very few people are ever honest enough, or self-aware enough to admit when they are being idiots.

Some of us, CAN admit it. Like me, for ever thinking humanity could ever be even generally this honest or self-aware. I'm an idiot to hope for it. I'll hope anyway though! My cynicism be damned!

DUDE! Drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

THIS JUST IN from the ALL TRUMP NEWS NETWORK! What You Need to Know!

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!
Just the other night I saw Andrea Mitchell, a TV news reporter with decades of experience covering politics basically say that as long as Trump is president and Trump tweets, the news media will report on it--like it's the only reality possible.

Billy has news from the All #Trump News Network!

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!
Now, I don't agree with Trump and his whole "Fake News" thing, but, at this point, about 80% of news about Trump is fake.  There's no point in reporting the same BS coming out of his mouth every time he opens it but every day, that's what the American MSM does.  Let's be honest, the press also lets him get away with lying through his teeth every day.  Real journalists would call him on every last lie--to his face.  Hell, they don't even call him on it NOT to his face.  Lies are being told endlessly and very rarely are they referred to in news reports AS lies.  We've devolved into some sort of parody of America.  The government is run by amoral, cowardly, conservative corruptionists and spineless, meek, pretend liberals.  Meanwhile, the milquetoast media is too scared to confront the damn truth.

It's FUN watching America rot from the inside in real time! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Aaaaanywayyyy... drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Billy Ballpoint is VERY worried about the #BlueWave but Barbie sets him straight! (Please visit the site)

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!

America was stupid once (well, MORE than once)... what if it's stupid again? It's going to be hard, but we need to educate our friends and family (even many of the liberal ones) to understand that reality is the most important thing. Hard facts need to be prioritized over all else. None of this "I define this word as XYZ" crap or "that's not what I saw in the video/photos" BS.

Look in the dictionary. Look at video footage. Look at photos. If you can't prove something with evidence you are inaccurate or possibly even lying. If we don't ALL agree that facts are paramount, then we have not just lost our country but the right to be taken seriously by any country or any person.

Seriously: this isn't about whose narrative wins. It's about whether we survive as anything but a literal country version of Trump. A sycophantic bubble baby who literally denies any part of reality he doesn't like and FAR too many of us do the same.  The more we ignore science and logic and reality, the more we become Trumpmerica. Please. Let's stop this together!

Aaaand if you want to help me keep drawing Ballpoint Adventures, please read on:

Drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Barbie Ballpoint Can Teach You the Secret to Eternal Happiness! (Kinda!)

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I thought about what to draw this week and had this idea Barbie forgetting to watch the news for a week and realizing how good she felt. Then I realized turning the whole thing upside-down would make it much more funny. Was I right?

So, drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Billy and Barbie Know Why Comparing Presidents is a Dumb-Ass Game...

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Obviously, George H.W. Bush was not the worst president America has seen. However, calling George HW "honorable" to anyone who remembers the dark side of his service to America is offensive. I mean, dude ran the CIA, FFS. How honorable can a guy who ran the CIA even be?  I suppose it depends on your definition of the word "honorable."

Hey, so drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Barbie Fights for Human Rights with an AX

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Soooo tired of the binary landscape we live in. Granted, Barbie's not dealing with it in the best way, but her way sure feels good, doesn't it?

Hey, just so you knnow, drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Billy, Barbie, and Baxter call @realDonaldTrump on one of his many #lies

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I think we should all use Starburst candy as a sign of resistance against Trump. He was such a jackass to use them in some weird passive aggressive way against Angela Merkel at the G7. We need to remind him of how powerless and weak he felt at that moment, all he could do was throw candy at another world leader. Good plan, PUNK.

SUP! Drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Billy's butt and #Trump have something in common!

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Seriously--Trump would claim ANY investigation exonerates him of colluding with Russia--even one examining Billy's butt.

Heyyyyy, drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Billy remembers a time when another president was messing up in the White House

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!

This is how full of shit the Republicans are. A single adulterous affair in the White House is the worst thing that could happen, according to the GOP. Of course, two failed wars, Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, and now everything with Trump, are all MUCH worse than Bill and his intern, but you wouldn't know that from the GOP speaking out about it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Y'know, drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Billy and Baxter Have Discovered a New Stench (smells like #TRUMP)

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What more is there to say than: this comic is now absolutely a documentary. :(

YO--drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

You'll never guess what #Trump Tweeted! OK, Maybe You Will...

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Seriously... there are no more adults in Washington, DC. An adult would stop Trump.

HEY THERE: drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Billy Brings Home Reality...

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!

With the Trump Administration doing so much amoral, illegal, and horrible things and not immediately getting in trouble for them, it's hard to think that any facts matter any more.

Hey there, drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Baxter the cat understands the #Trump #Russia story in a way no one else does!

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!

OK, OK! I admit it, I copy-and-pasted the ball drawing. It takes an artist more skilled than I to nail an identical ball four times in a row!

Anyway, this is how I feel watching the news for a big announcement from the Mueller Team.

OH YEAH, drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Now THIS is how to deal! (According to Billy, Barbie, & Baxter Ballpoint!)

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!
I actually thought about listening to the news from NPR this morning but decided I was just absolutely sick of hearing Trump's voice.  This is worse than it was under George W. or his pop.

OH, and one more thing: Drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Baxter the Cat is DONE with #Trump news!! Are you with her?

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!
Wow, this is so autobiographical, it's not even funny.  Well, hopefully it's a little funny.

SUP! Drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

So, #MissionAccomplished? Barbie knows the truth!!

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!
Definitely venting through my characters this week, folks!

Yo! Drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Billy realizes Trump actually blamed Putin for something--kinda...

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This Trump shit is getting pretty old.  Shame the Republicans are so spineless and don't seem to care about the logical fiber of this country fraying at the edges.

SUP! Drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Billy, Barbie, Baxter realize that America needs a FICTIONAL #Trump!

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!

The saddest thing about Trump is that this is absolutely true about him. He was raised to completely overlook the good in anyone. Probably, even himself. His utter lack of shit-giving for anyone else on the planet informs every choice he makes. Goodness, love, compassion, informs nothing. He is one sad jackass.

SUP! Drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Barbie and Baxter discover what @realDonaldTrump is REALLY saying...

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!

Wouldn't it be nice if Siri could actually do this? Of course, all the TRUMPets (rhymes with "puppets") would just yell "FAKE AI!" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

SUP, drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

It's #Trump who wants #PoliceState #schools. Baxter knows why!

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!

Slowly but surely since 9/11 at least and probably since the FISA courts were established, we've been losing little bits of our inalienable rights.

Yo, drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Barbie, Billy and Baxter the #Cat "celebrate" #PresidentsDay!

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Seriously, I really don't want to live ANOTHER Presidents Day with this amazing asshole as president.

Hey man, drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Billy, Barbie, and Baxter all know what #Trump's #America is at this point.

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We have nearly spineless Democrats and amoral Republicans have all the power but refuse to use it for the forces of good. MAGA actually means "Make America Gross and Amoral".

Yo: drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa coffee!

What does the #NunesMemo tell YOU?

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I mean, seriously. Truth is dead at this point, right?

Hey you!  Drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Billy is shocked that #Trump hasn't been impeached!

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Of course, Billy knew it. This is the most predictable storyline since the second half of Star Trek Discovery's first season! We might as well live it--the entire Republican Party has escaped to our planet from the Mirror Universe!  Meanwhile, the Dems have escaped from the Milquetoast Universe. :/

Hey yeah, drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!

Wow--Barbie and Baxter are shocked at who has returned!

Click here to see the full-size comic strip!

Yeah, this is not where I'd hope we'd be after one year in to the Trump Era. I'm not surprised he's not been impeached yet, just disappointed...

Yo, drawing comics for free every week is actually hard work--throw me a couple bux on Patreon, wouldja? Thanks! Or just buy me a cuppa joe!