From 7/12/2004: Billy and Barbie know better than to make any serious life plans.

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See, this is how I view "God." Some petty, mad, little man who messes with people just to make himself feel...

...good.  I mean, why else would He allow such mundane stupidity strike people who are trying to make their own lives better?  Seriously.  What. Is. The. Point in that?

Every time I have tried to make a plan for myself, fate throws up obstacles.  Every time.  Multiple obstacles.  It's to the point, where I barely notice them.  I just move forward anyway.  I just can't fathom why they keep happening.  Of course, I know the actual universe doesn't give a crap about me and this is all part of the chaos/non-chaos that the universe functions through.  That makes me feel much better about life.  I hope it has the same effect on you.

Oh, and hey, if you like what I do with this comic or anything else online, help me pay my rent this month! If you could support me on Patreon or if you can buy my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks! 

You can also just buy me a coffee!  Every bit helps!

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